Saturday, September 17, 2011

Under the Covers

I just finished watching Garden State and I was just laying here all cozy in bed listening to the excellent soundtrack.  It got me to thinking about the feeling of being covered, or under covers.  You feel so safe and warm.  I know I always have to be covered with a blanket even if its 90 degrees and the heat is unbearable, covers=not getting murdered while you sleep.  But getting back on topic, covers in general have a safe feeling about them, but they can also feel quite constricting.  Just lay in your bed right now and cover yourself with three blankets, feel the weight of them against your body, softly pressing you against your mattress.  I guess its just my Garden State of mind (state, get it?) but it made me think of a quote from the movie that Zach Braff utters,

 "When I'm  with you I feel so safe, like I'm home."

 I feel like home for a lot of people echoes the feeling of covers.  It's safe and warm and yet sometimes its so restricting and heavy, you feel trapped.  But once you leave bed, come out from under the covers, you're exposed to all the elements, the cold tile floor, the general shit which lays beyond your bedroom door and the same goes for leaving home for the first time.  You're left in the open, searching each day for that place you can call home, the place you feel safe.  So I guess that was just my after movie ramblings and trying to grasp at deeper meaning in a piece of cinematic fiction.

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